Friday, November 18, 2011

Apron Armour

Are you like me?
Are you prone to fall down, stumble, trip, spill and otherwise make a mess?  Does flour come at you in a POOF of white dust when you accidentally start your stand mixer on high? Did you inadvertently pour half a soy latte into your purse after tripping over your husband's hiking boots when coming in the door with your hands full this morning? (Maybe that was just me). Do you also, despite a deep love of cooking and entertaining, sometimes get a bit of a flustered, unkempt feeling when called upon to quarterback the preparation of an important, fancy meal?  If you answered yes to any of these things, let me clue you in to my secret weapon, just in time for Thanksgiving.  It's called Apron Armour.
Antropologie apron amazingness... resistance is futile!
Years ago, my sister got me the most adorable apron from Anthropologie.  It is turquoise and yellow with deep pockets, and it has a charming matching pot holder mitt.  I loved it from the get go, but often forgot to actually put it on when in the thick of a major cooking project.  However, last Christmas, I hadn't had time to really think through an outfit when a posse of friends arrived for a cocktail party, so I just threw the apron over whatever I had on, and something miraculous happened.  I felt cute!  I felt pulled together!  I felt like some sort of modern Martha Stewart-June Cleaver-Nigella Lawson hybrid.  And I liked it!
Domestic Goddess
Here are the reasons that I think Apron Armour is the key to holiday success:
1) For the most practical of reasons: to protect your clothes, whatever they may be. As I mentioned, I  am something of a klutz, and usually spill or drip something on myself while cooking.  Even if you are just wearing yoga pants and your sister's college sweatshirt, this can be cause for disgruntlement.  With an apron on, you are protected, and don't have to fret a moment about spillage.
2) I found in my Christmas cocktail experience that wearing an apron really did feel like culinary armour; like there was a layer of protection between me and reality, like a football player probably feels when donning his helmet.  I know it sounds silly, but I challenge you not to put on a cute apron and not feel imminently more secure.  It is just one of those phenomenons it is best not question.
Adorable/flirty hummingbird apron on Etsy
3) Speaking of Tim Riggins football players, there is also something to be said for having the proper gear for any endeavor, athletic, culinary or otherwise.  Things like helmets and aprons were made for a good reason: to protect you, and because your activity is infinitely improved by their proper use.  Protection is always a good thing.
Gwynnie, I adore you always, but why are you even wearing this foxy apron if your bazillion-dollar white t-shirt is still exposed?  Oh yeah, because you are modeling for a photo shoot, not actually cooking.  It's okay, I still love you.  And I love that apron.  And the tea towel.  And that branch-y flower arrangement behind you. 
In short: wear an apron, feel cute, stay clean, improve your life and your mood.
Trust me on this one.

1 comment:

  1. And if you like to cook AND rock out, simultaneously!!:
