Sunday, November 29, 2009

Case of the Sundays

The only problem with delicious long weekends is when they come to an end.  My sister and her boyfriend just got on the road and it was sad to see them go.  We all had a blast relaxing, eating, and playing with Baby J.  A little weekend recap:

Foreground to background: spice-rubbed turkey, stuffing makings, Joy of Cooking, pomegranate bellinis, sister playing with nephew.

Thanksgiving buffet with husband finishing turkey carving.

Sister's boyfriend's plate with a little of everything.  We decided his was the most photo-worthy. 
Well done, B.

To burn it off, there was football in the park (look at the blur of speed and agility that is the husband).

And a little family photo shoot.
Now, the holiday season is officially underway.  We're looking forward to a quiet one, with lots of R&R on the homefront.  I think to kick it off I'll be launching a week of detox.  I am feeling a bit bellini'd and pied to the max, and ready for some water and running in my life.  And sleep.  Starting with a nap right about now to ease my case of the Sundays. I hope you had a great holiday weekend!



    My friend Amanda's Blog. Check out her first thanksgiving in Chicago, no meat..and almost no dairy. Hope the holiday was relaxing!


  2. Sounds like a beautiful Thanksgiving, SMJ. Lovin you from BK. Love the fam shot. You look so happy and it is warming my heart.
