Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Food for Thought

The last few weeks have really been something.  Stomach flu + eye ulcer + mid-winter altogether conspired against my sanity.   However, I am cautiously optimistic that we've come out the other side.  I'm hoping we've seen the last of cold and flu season, I've learned valuable lessons about contact lens wearing, and with a high of 55 predicted for Friday, I'm ready to fly my spring fever flag high (margaritas anyone?).  Now, I'm facing down my rather lengthy to do list after quite literally not being able to focus on it for a bit, so I'm keeping this short and sweet today with some food for thought.

As I simultaneously job and daycare hunt and consider my next incarnation in the work force, I've had time to do a lot of soul searching about what it means to be a working mom.  My brilliant and beloved friend Bronwyn writes the Working Mom blog on Dot Coms for Moms and put up a fabulous post this week called "How Do You Do It?"  She's wonderfully honest about the times she feels she's not doing it all that well, and references some fantastic articles about the working mom conundrum.  Bronwyn's post lead me to watch a TEDWomen Talk by Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg for the first time, and I wanted to share it here.  Sandberg talks about why women aren't, by and large, making it to the top, and what we have to do to fix that.

I have plenty to say about all this, but am still marinating on the topic.  I'm off to multi-task my afternoon away, but would love to hear your thoughts on this talk.  More of my thoughts in an upcoming post...

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