Monday, July 16, 2012

Millions of Peaches

One amazing feature of our new home is the gorgeous peach tree in our side yard.

Our peaches are still a bit hard and green, but with each passing day of July heat and humidity, they look riper and riper.  Soon, we are going to have more peaches than we know what to do with, so to prepare for the onslaught, I've been pinning peach recipes left and right.  Each photo screams summer and makes my mouth water, so I thought I would share, just in case any of you are also lousy with stone fruit.  Check out the peachy goodness...

I'm also hoping to can some peaches and a simple peach jam just so we can continue to enjoy the plenty in the dead of winter. 
What's your favorite way to enjoy the precious peach?


  1. Well I just made a simple peach & blueberry crumble Sunday was delish and sooo simple to whip up. :-) Thanks for the extra recipe options to keep in mind. Those whole peaches look awesome!

    I feel like we are going to be up to our ears in produce as well, not peaches but in tomatoes. We have about 8 plants in our garden this year and each plant is absolutely loaded. The tomatoes have also been loving this weather, so the crop is particularly good. We'll be canning sauce, whole tomatoes, salsa and the like in no time at all!

  2. Anne, I'm no orchardist, but I know this tree has been thriving here in NH for several years with no pesticides. It seems like a tree that belongs in a much more tropical/Southern place, so I'm pleasantly surprised it is so happy here!
